seabox config
seabox config¶
- 语法
``` bash seabox config [OPTIONS]
Options: -c, –change TEXT change seabox property -r, –remove TEXT remove seabox property -s, –show TEXT show seabox property -l, –list list all seabox properties -v, –value TEXT set seabox property value -q, –quiet quiet mode -C, –coordinator_value TEXT set seabox coordinator property value -E, –executor_value TEXT set seabox executor property value -U, –db_user TEXT connect to the seabox database with this user –dbid TEXT set seabox specified coordinator or executor property value
–skipvalidation skip the system validation checks -h, –help show this help, then exit
- 描述
- 注意:如有注意事项,补充
- 选项
- Options
-c, --change
- 使用该选项时表示修改或者添加参数,后面跟指定的参数名称
-r, --remove
- 使用该选项时表示恢复参数默认值,后面跟指定的参数名称
-s, --show
- 使用该选项时表示显示参数及其值,后面跟指定的参数名称
-l, --list
- 使用该选项时表示列出所有参数及其值
-v, --value
- 该选项与
选项组合使用,后面跟指定的参数值 -q, --quiet
- 使用该选项时表示以静默方式执行,不打印输出信息
-C, --coordinator_value
- 使用该选项时表示设置coordinator各实例上参数的值
-E, --executor_value
- 使用该选项时表示设置executor各实例上参数的值
-U, --db_user
- 使用该选项时表示以指定用户连接数据库
- 使用该选项时表示设置指定实例上参数的值
- 使用该选项时表示跳过参数合法性检查
-h, --help
- 使用该选项时返回seabox config命令的帮助信息
- 注解
注1:seabox config命令对选项的组合使用有严格限制,若输入的不支持的选项组合,则会报错退出。所有支持的选项组合说明如下:
seabox config -c <para_name> -v <value> [--skipvalidation] [-q] [-C <coor_value> | --dbid <dbid_value>] [-E <exec_value> | --dbid <dbid_value>] [-U <db_user>]
seabox config -r para_name [-q] [--dbid <dbid_value>]
seabox config -s para_name [-q] [--dbid <dbid_value>]
seabox config -l [-q] [-U <db_user>]
注2: 使用 alter system 修改参数后,再使用 seabox config 修改参数不会生效。为避免造成使用上的误会,不允许通过 seabox config 修改 alter system 改过的参数。 的优先级高于 seaboxsql.conf:使用 alter system 修改的是 文件,seabox config 修改的是 seaboxsql.conf 文件。如果一个参数同时存在于 和 seaboxsql.conf 里面,系统会先读 seaboxsql.conf 的参数配置,再读 的参数配置,因此,该参数的值最终使用 中的配置。
若想要使用 seabox config 修改参数并生效,需要执行 ALTER SYSTEM RESET configuration_parameter 或者 ALTER SYSTEM SET configuration_parameter = default 删除 中对应的参数配置。比如执行 alter system set max_wal_size=default 将参数设回 default 时, 文件里的 max_wal_size 这项配置会被删除,重新用回 seaboxsql.conf 文件的设置。
注3: 使用 alter databse 和 alter user 修改参数的优先级在局部同样高于 seabox config。为避免造成使用上的误会,若 seabox config –show 指定的参数已经被 alter databse 或 alter user 修改过,则会打印该参数在 pg_db_role_setting 中的记录,以作提示。
注4: seabox config命令要求使用SeaboxMPP数据库集群安装用户seabox,或root用户,且需通过以下命令设置正确的环境变量:
source $SDHOME/
- 示例
seabox config --help
的执行结果:[seabox@mpp-test-1 bin]$ seabox config --help set seabox properties. Usage: seabox config [OPTIONS] Options: -c, --change TEXT change seabox property -r, --remove TEXT remove seabox property -s, --show TEXT show seabox property -l, --list list all seabox properties -v, --value TEXT set seabox property value -q, --quiet quiet mode -C, --coordinator_value TEXT set seabox coordinator property value -E, --executor_value TEXT set seabox executor property value -U, --db_user TEXT connect to the seabox database with this user --dbid TEXT set seabox specified coordinator or executor property value --skipvalidation skip the system validation checks -h, --help show this help, then exit
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox config -c random_page_cost -v 1 -C 5 -E 10 2022-07-06 17:34:36 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/coordinatordd/0 2022-07-06 17:34:37 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/coordinatordd/1 2022-07-06 17:34:37 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host node1_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/7 2022-07-06 17:34:38 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host node1_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/8 ...... 2022-07-06 17:34:44 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host node2_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/4 2022-07-06 17:34:45 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host node2_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/5 2022-07-06 17:34:45 CST [50571] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: change random_page_cost parameter on host node1_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/6
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox config -c random_page_cost -v 1 -C 5 -E 10 -q [seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox notify reload 2022-07-06 17:36:30 CST [51316] seabox_stop master_regress1:seabox INFO: gathering information and validating the environment... 2022-07-06 17:36:30 CST [51316] seabox_stop master_regress1:seabox INFO: seabox version: 'seaboxsql (SeaboxSQL)' 2022-07-06 17:36:33 CST [51316] seabox_stop master_regress1:seabox INFO: signalling all seabox processes to reload
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox config -s random_page_cost GUC : random_page_cost Dbid: 1 Value: 5 Dbid: 10 Value: 10 Dbid: 11 Value: 10 Dbid: 12 Value: 10 Dbid: 13 Value: 10 Dbid: 14 Value: 10 Dbid: 15 Value: 10 Dbid: 16 Value: 10 Dbid: 17 Value: 10 Dbid: 18 Value: 10 Dbid: 19 Value: 10 Dbid: 2 Value: 5 Dbid: 20 Value: 10 Dbid: 3 Value: 10 Dbid: 4 Value: 10 Dbid: 5 Value: 10 Dbid: 6 Value: 10 Dbid: 7 Value: 10 Dbid: 8 Value: 10 Dbid: 9 Value: 10 [seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox config -s random_page_cost --dbid 2 GUC : random_page_cost Value : 5
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox config -r random_page_cost 2022-07-06 17:41:29 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/coordinatordd/0 2022-07-06 17:41:29 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/coordinatordd/1 2022-07-06 17:41:29 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host node1_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/7 2022-07-06 17:41:30 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host node1_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/8 ...... 2022-07-06 17:41:33 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host node2_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/4 2022-07-06 17:41:34 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host node2_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/5 2022-07-06 17:41:34 CST [53155] seabox_config master_regress1:seabox INFO: remove random_page_cost parameter on host node1_regress1 for module /home/seabox/seabox-data-directory/executordd/primary/6
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ seabox config -l GUC : application_name Value : GUC : archive_cleanup_command Value : GUC : archive_command Value : (disabled) ...... SCDCS : monitor_auto_set_instance_removed Value : 1 SCDCS : monitor_detect_instance_restart_count Value : 5 SCDCS : monitor_detect_instance_restart_duration_time Value : 180
- 相关命令
- 无
sd_ctl config¶
- 语法
``` bash sd_ctl config [–change PROPERTY_NAME] [–value PROPERTY_VALUE] [–remove PROPERTY_NAME] [–show PROPERTY_NAME] [–list] [-q] [-u USER] [–skipvalidation]
Options for config: –change=NAME change seabox property –remove=NAME remove seabox property –show=NAME show seabox property –list list all seabox properties -v, –value=VALUE set seabox property value -q, –quiet quiet mode -u, –db_user=USER connect to seabox database with this user –skipvalidation skip the system validation checks ```
- 描述
- 注意:如有注意事项,补充
- 选项
- Options
- 使用该选项时表示修改或者添加参数,后面跟指定的参数名称
- 使用该选项时表示恢复参数默认值,后面跟指定的参数名称
- 使用该选项时表示显示参数及其值,后面跟指定的参数名称
- 使用该选项时表示列出所有参数及其值
- 该选项与
选项组合使用,后面跟指定的参数值 -q, --quiet
- 使用该选项时表示以静默方式执行,不打印输出信息
-u, --db_user
- 使用该选项时表示以指定用户连接数据库
- 使用该选项时表示跳过参数合法性检查
- 注解
注1: 使用 alter system 修改参数后,再使用 sd_ctl config 修改参数不会生效。为避免造成使用上的误会,不允许通过 sd_ctl config 修改 alter system 改过的参数。
注2: sd_ctl config命令要求使用SeaboxSQL数据库集群安装用户seabox,或root用户,且需通过以下命令设置正确的环境变量:
source $SDHOME/
- 示例
sd_ctl --help
的执行结果:[seabox@mpp-test-1 bin]$ sd_ctl --help sd_ctl is a utility to initialize, start, stop, or control a SeaboxSQL server. Usage: sd_ctl init[db] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-o OPTIONS] sd_ctl start [-D DATADIR] [-l FILENAME] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] [-o OPTIONS] [-p PATH] [-c] [-K KEY-CMD] [-R role] [-I instance-id] sd_ctl stop [-D DATADIR] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] [-R role] [-I instance-id] sd_ctl restart [-D DATADIR] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] [-o OPTIONS] [-c] [-K KEY-CMD] [-R role] [-I instance-id] sd_ctl reload [-D DATADIR] [-s] sd_ctl status [-D DATADIR] sd_ctl config [--change PROPERTY_NAME] [--value PROPERTY_VALUE] [--remove PROPERTY_NAME] [--show PROPERTY_NAME] [--list] [-q] [-u USER] [--skipvalidation] sd_ctl promote [-D DATADIR] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] sd_ctl logrotate [-D DATADIR] [-s] sd_ctl kill SIGNALNAME PID Common options: -D, --sddata=DATADIR location of the database storage area -K, --encryption-key-command command that returns encryption key -s, --silent only print errors, no informational messages -t, --timeout=SECS seconds to wait when using -w option -V, --version output version information, then exit -w, --wait wait until operation completes (default) -W, --no-wait do not wait until operation completes -R, --role role of instance to be operated: primary or secondary -?, --help show this help, then exit If the -D option is omitted, the environment variable SDDATA is used. Options for config: --change=NAME change seabox property --remove=NAME remove seabox property --show=NAME show seabox property --list list all seabox properties -v, --value=VALUE set seabox property value -q, --quiet quiet mode -u, --db_user=USER connect to seabox database with this user --skipvalidation skip the system validation checks Options for start or restart: -c, --core-files allow seaboxsql to produce core files -l, --log=FILENAME write (or append) server log to FILENAME -o, --options=OPTIONS command line options to pass to seaboxsql (SeaboxSQL server executable) or initdb -p PATH-TO-SEABOXSQL normally not necessary Options for stop or restart: -m, --mode=MODE MODE can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate" Shutdown modes are: smart quit after all clients have disconnected fast quit directly, with proper shutdown (default) immediate quit without complete shutdown; will lead to recovery on restart Allowed signal names for kill: ABRT HUP INT KILL QUIT TERM USR1 USR2
sd_ctl config --change random_page_cost --value 5
sd_ctl config --show random_page_cost
sd_ctl config --remove random_page_cost
[seabox@master_regress1 sdsql]$ sd_ctl config --list -u lihua
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