- 语法
``` bash seabox [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
Options: -v, –version output version information, then exit -h, –help show this help, then exit
其中Commands可为以下命令之一: ``` bash audit collect config hbaconf init inspect install license mirrorcluster notify reconstruct recover restart scp set ssh ssh-exkeys start status stop system-check uninstall whitlelist
- 描述
- 注意:如有注意事项,补充
- 选项
- Options
选项-v, --version
- 使用该选项时返回SeaboxMPP数据库版本信息
-h, --help
- 使用该选项时返回seabox命令的帮助信息
- Commands
- seabox命令行管理工具支持的所有命令,包括以下:
- Operation Commands
- init
- 初始化SeaboxMPP数据库各模块
- install
- 安装SeaboxMPP数据库服务到指定节点
- mirrorcluster
- 灾备集群相关命令
- notify
- SeaboxMPP数据库通知管理
- reconstruct
- SeaboxMPP数据库重分布管理,包括扩容/缩容等
- recover
- SeaboxMPP数据库全量备份恢复
- restart
- 重启SeaboxMPP数据库服务
- start
- 启动SeaboxMPP数据库服务
- status
- 查询SeaboxMPP数据库服务状态
- stop
- 停止SeaboxMPP数据库服务
- uninstall
- 卸载SeaboxMPP数据库服务
- Tool Commands
- collect
- 收集集群日志和core等文件
- config
- 设置SeaboxMPP数据库配置参数命令
- hbaconf
- 设置SeaboxMPP数据库用户连接的配置参数
- inspect
- 集群运维工具
- license
- 收集SeaboxMPP数据库license指纹信息或导入license信息
- set
- 设置SeaboxMPP数据库节点状态
- whitelist
- 设置SeaboxMPP数据库的IP白名单
- Auxiliary Commands
- audit
- 集群审计日志分析工具
- scp
- 同时cp到SeaboxMPP数据库集群多个节点或实例
- ssh
- 同时ssh到多个指定host
- ssh-exkeys
- 在指定host之间交换ssh公钥
- system-check
- 检查系统配置
- Args
- 各命令参数,针对不同的COMMAND其参数各不相同,具体参照各命令章节。
- 注解
- 注意: seabox命令行管理工具集要求使用SeaboxMPP数据库集群安装用户seabox,或root用户,且需通过以下命令设置正确的环境变量:
source $SDHOME/
- 示例
seabox --help
的执行结果:[seabox@mpp-test-1 bin]$ seabox --help SeaboxSQL database cluster tool. Usage: seabox [OPTIONS] Options: -v, --version output version information, then exit -h, --help show this help, then exit Operation Commands: init init seabox modules. install install seabox service. mirrorcluster seabox mirror cluster management. notify seabox notify management. reconstruct seabox reconstruct management. recover full backup and restore tool of SeaboxMPP. restart restart seabox service. start start seabox service. status show seabox status. stop stop seabox service. uninstall uninstall seabox service. Tool Commands: collect collect cluster functional files. config set seabox properties. hbaconf set seabox connection authentication configuration. inspect seabox inspect toolkit. license install license or collect mac for license. set seabox set node status. whitelist set seabox whitelist configuration. Auxiliary Commands: audit seabox audit log analyzer. scp seabox scp to multiple hosts or module instances at once. ssh ssh access to multiple hosts at once. ssh-exkeys exchange ssh public keys among friends. system-check seabox check tool for system configuration.
[seabox@mpp-test-1 bin]$ seabox status cluster node: 0/3 cluster status: perfect +----------+----------------+ | module | abnormal/total | +----------+----------------+ | scdcs | 0/1 | | gtm | 0/1 | | monitor | 0/2 | | coor | 0/2 | | executor | 0/18 | +----------+----------------+
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- 无